Youth Empowerment Project
Youth Empowerment Project

Building a Community for Every Child
A Little About Us...
Open Daily
After school, Saturdays, public holidays, and school vacations
Volunteer Care
YEP provides opportunities for all community members to volunteer and give back to our youth
Available Freely
Available to boys and girls ages 8 to 15 in the East End/Long Look/Fat Hog's Bay areas
What We Do
Not all learning takes place within the walls of a school; nor do all learners learn the same. We create programs that are fun, engaging and all children to learn through discovery. Our academic programs are focused around homework assistance, basic literacy and word processing.
Sports, Health & Life Skills
A child’s mind and body should be nurtured simultaneously. With a growing number of youth in the BVI suffering from obesity, we provide programs with opportunities to promote health and wellness through sports.
Creative Arts
Expression through art , dance, music and craft is a proven avenue for children who are in need of channeling their emotions. Through the arts, music, painting, drawing and handy crafts, we allow for fundamental skill development and individual expression.
Leadership Development
Empowering our members is much more than words. Through character development, community service, team building techniques, mentoring and positive experiences we foster civic responsibility, hope and opportunity.
Environmental & Culture
The importance of nature and culture to our islands is imperative to the survival of our people. Through experiences, which allow our yeppies to explore and examine our history, cultural activities, traditions, and environment, a foundation of pride, and preservation is created.
Special Programmes
Help to build a better BVI. Learn skills that can be transferred to other areas in life. We do projects involving painting, gardening, community clean ups and more. Get those community service hours in and build a better BVI.